Saturday I enjoyed my first spray tan ever. Can you believe it? I mean, I do work in Dermatology. We always say, "pale is the new tan." But who really wants to look pasty white? Not me! Well, I take it back. It's okay during the winter...I mean who really looks tan during the winter. But, I will be heading to Belize in two weeks. I.Can. Not be looking pasty white!
The spray tan was actually pretty interesting. I really had no idea what to expect. The girl who checked me in was really nice and talked me through everything. Showed me all the poses...who new I would have to do the "Walk like an Egyptian" during a spray tan? All in all in went really well. I came out a little darker than I expected but the girl said that would happen. After the first shower it looked amazing. So, test run a success. I will be going back before my trip!
Later in the afternoon I went down to Soho to do a little shopping. I'm the kind of girl who really doesn't do a lot of shopping. Maybe 3 times a year...
My first stop was Sunglass Hut. I have been wanting some new sunglasses for a while. I was given the pair I have now as a graduation gift (from college) going on five years. That's pretty good... I figured it was about time to get some. My trip was a success! I got these oh so very cute Tory Burch glasses. I am in love. But, the best part of the story was when I went to check out...
Andrea (actually turned out to be the store manager): How is your day going?
Me: Oh, it's great. Just enjoying the sunshine and getting some shopping done.
Andrea: I know, isn't this weather great?
Me: Yes, I am so glad it's finally warm. My husband and I moved to NYC in August and survived our first winter.
Andrea: Oh gosh, I've been here for a long time. This has to be one of the worst winters in a very long time. I'm originally from Georgia and it took me a while to get use to the winters.
Me: Oh, my parents are from Georgia. My mom side's is from Atlanta and my dad's is from Macon.
Andrea: No way! I am from Macon.
Me: Wow, that's so crazy.
We then proceeded to say what a small world it is and continue to talk about anything Southern. She then says to me, "I like you... I am going to give you 30% off." I was so pleasantly surprised! It was great! So my Tory Burch sunglasses turned out to be an ever better purchase. And who says there aren't any nice people in New York?!
Oh so pretty!
I then continued to have a very successful shopping day. 2 dresses, shirts, 2 bathing suits, and a pair of shorts later I was done! To make the experience even better I was able to spend the day shopping with my dear friend Lauren (who I have known since Kindergarten - how many people can say that?). We had a great time!
My beach hat for Belize! I love it!
Sunday = relaxation. Nick had a group meeting in the afternoon. It was such a nice day I suggested we grab some lunch and make a picnic of it in Central Park.
We grabbed lunch from Mitchell London (64th and Madison). It's a great take out lunch spot. Fresh cooked food - a little pricey but well worth it. Once we got our food we headed to a grassy area in front of the pond that has the sail boats.
There wasn't too many people there yet but it was just a matter of time before everyone started to arrive. It was just too nice of a day to spend indoors. We pretty much ate our lunch and then spread out on the blanket and read our books.
It was so peaceful and really quite nice to just lay there with Nick. I decided that would be a new "thing" for us. It really was a great way to spend the early afternoon! Hopefully many more to come!
Our wonderful lunch. Yummy!
Nick seems to be adverse to having his picture taken... at least lately. I was able to get a quick one - I think it turned out pretty well. He's such a cutie!
And Me!
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